Spencer Millsap Photo Blog » WA state filmmaker and photographer

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Olympic N.P. – Deer Park to Grand Lake – July 2018

Jumping around a bit here – but getting back into the swing of things. Took on a lengthy overnighter hike of around 22 miles or so with the cousin over the weekend to scope out some potential overnighter spots to return to with the whole crew. We got a bit more than we bargained for, but the hike was exactly what I needed. Skirting through forested ridge lines at the start, up and along beautiful exposed mountain sides in breezy 80 degrees overlooking the Olympic range all around us. Dropping into Badger Valley, the descent knocked us out as we made our way through sub-alpine meadows and back up to get spit right out next to Grand Lake. We chilled some trail beers in the lake, took in the sights and sounds, and had a whole barrage of chill deer encircle us for the evening supper. Up and packed up, we trudged our way back up and along Lillian Ridge towards Obstruction point for a brief lunch stop – then the long, slow 7.5 mile or so gain and loss along the ridge line back to Deer Park. Beautiful escape from my normal rainforest and coastal hike experiences in Olympic – so many more spots out there to explore.

Roughly the hike here – Deer Park Trailhead – Maiden Peak – Badger Valley – Grand Lake – Obstruction Point – Deer Park



  • Lou Pontius - August 22, 2018 - 8:28 pm

    Are you related to Marshall Millsap? I attended DAniel Webster Elementary with a Marshall Millsap before my family moved. Lounette Turner. Like your blog.

  • admin - August 23, 2018 - 11:07 am

    Hello! Yes, Marshall is my uncle! I am his younger brother Brad’s son – small world – I sent him your note and he says hello and said he remembers you well

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